Source code for oberon.util

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
#    Copyright © 2019 Simon Forman
#    This file is part of PythonOberon
#    PythonOberon is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
#    it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
#    the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
#    (at your option) any later version.
#    PythonOberon is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
#    but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
#    GNU General Public License for more details.
#    You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
#    along with PythonOberon.  If not see <>.


from math import log, floor
from pickle import load
from struct import pack, unpack

def load_syms(pickle_file):
    symbol_table, data_addrs = load(pickle_file)
    return symbol_table, data_addrs

[docs]class binary_addressing_mixin(object): ''' Permit integers to be addressed bit-wise. Single indexing (foo[bar]) returns a Boolean value, while slicing returns an integer (foo[bar:baz]). Slice indexes are left-to-right and do not support step parameter. ''' def __getitem__(self, n): if isinstance(n, tuple): if len(n) != 2: raise IndexError('Must pass only two indicies.') start, stop = n return self._mask(stop, start - stop) if isinstance(n, slice): return self._getslice(n) return bool(self >> n & 1) def _getslice(self, s): if s.step: raise TypeError('Slice with step not supported.') start = 0 if s.start is None else s.start stop = 0 if s.stop is None else s.stop n = start - stop if n < 0: raise IndexError('Slice indexes should be left-to-right.') if not n: return type(self)(0) return self._mask(stop, n) def _mask(self, stop, n): return type(self)(self >> stop & (2**n - 1))
# class bint(binary_addressing_mixin, int): pass
[docs]class blong(binary_addressing_mixin, int): pass
bint = blong
[docs]def python_int_to_signed_int(i, width=32): ''' Given a Python integer, possibly negative, return the Python integer that has the same bit pattern as the C signed int of the same value would have. I.e.: >>> n = -23 >>> bin(n) '-0b10111' >>> n = python_int_to_signed_int(n) >>> bin(n) '0b11111111111111111111111111101001' >>> ''' assert width > 0 width -= 1 b = 2**width if not (-b <= i < b): raise ValueError if i >= 0: return i return b + i + (1 << width)
[docs]def signed_int_to_python_int(i, width=32): ''' Convert a Python integer representing the bit-pattern of a C signed int into a Python integer of the same value. I.e.: >>> n = 0b11111111111111111111111111101001 >>> n 4294967273 >>> n = 4294967273 >>> bin(n) '0b11111111111111111111111111101001' >>> n = signed_int_to_python_int(n) >>> n -23 ''' assert width > 0 b = 2**width if not (0 <= i < b): raise ValueError if i < b // 2: return i return i - b
_convert = lambda n, out, in_: unpack(out, pack(in_, n))[0] u_to_s_16 = lambda n: _convert(n, '<h', '<H') s_to_u_16 = lambda n: _convert(n, '<H', '<h') u_to_s_32 = lambda n: _convert(n, '<i', '<I') s_to_u_32 = lambda n: _convert(n, '<I', '<i') def signed(n, bits=16): limit = 2**bits if -limit < n < limit: q = ((n < 0) << (bits - 1)) + abs(n) return bint(q)[bits:] raise ValueError ##def bits2signed_int(i, n=32): ## if not isinstance(i, bint): ## raise ValueError("Must be bint object. %r" % (i,)) ## n -= 1 ## return (-1 if i[n] else 1) * i[n:] ##def encode_float(f): ## return bits2signed_int(bint(unpack('>I', pack('>f', f))[0])) ##def decode_float(f): ## return unpack('>f', pack('>I', signed(f, 32)))[0] ##def encode_set(s, size=32): ## return sum(1 << n for n in range(size) if n in s) ##def decode_set(i, size=32): ## w = bint(i) ## return {n for n in range(size) if w[n]} ##def log2(x): ## y = 0 ## while x > 1: ## x /= 2 ## y += 1 ## return y ##def log2(x): ## return int(floor(log(x, 2))) ##def word_print(it): ## b = bin(it)[2:] ## print (32 - len(b)) * '0' + b