Oberon Bootloader

This module is just a convenient way to make the machine code of the Oberon bootloader available in Python. It exports a single tuple of integers.

The Oberon source code for the bootloader is in the BootLoader.Mod source file on Prof. Wirth’s site.

There is a side-by-side comparision of the Oberon code and the disassembled machine code in docs/BootLoad-reverse.txt .

The bootloader includes routines for loading images either from an SD card hard drive or over the serial port.

oberon.bootloader.bootloader = (3875537233, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1323892756, 2950692864, 2699034628, 1073741824, 2699034632, 1073741828, 2699034640, 2162163728, 1074331649, 2699034640, 1342242764, 2147483648, 1073938433, 3909091324, 1342242760, 2147483648, 2699034636, 2162163720, 2178940940, 524289, 1073938440, 2699034632, 2162163728, 3925868527, 2162163720, 2178940932, 2685403136, 2413821952, 1323827220, 3338665999, 1323892752, 2950692864, 1088946180, 4160749534, 2162163716, 1074331648, 3858759698, 1088946184, 4160749529, 1088946188, 4160749527, 2162163720, 2178940940, 2701131776, 2162163720, 1074266116, 2699034632, 2162163716, 1074331652, 2699034628, 2162163716, 3925868531, 1088946180, 4160749514, 3892314091, 2413821952, 1323827216, 3338665999, 1323892744, 2950692864, 2699034628, 1342242772, 1090519040, 2701131776, 2162163716, 1074331648, 3858759691, 2162163716, 1074331649, 2699034628, 1342242768, 1359020031, 2701131776, 1342242772, 2147483648, 1073938433, 3909091324, 3892314098, 2413821952, 1323827208, 3338665999, 1323892744, 2950692864, 2699034628, 1342242772, 1090519041, 2701131776, 1342242768, 2178940932, 2701131776, 1342242772, 2147483648, 1073938433, 3909091324, 2413821952, 1323827208, 3338665999, 1323892760, 2950692864, 2699034628, 2715811848, 1073741825, 4160749523, 1342242768, 2147483648, 2699034640, 2162163728, 1074331903, 3925868536, 1073742079, 4160749538, 1342242768, 2147483648, 2699034640, 2162163728, 1074331903, 3925868536, 2162163716, 1074331656, 3909091331, 1073741959, 2699034644, 3875536903, 2162163716, 3909091331, 1073741973, 2699034644, 3875536898, 1073742079, 2699034644, 2162163716, 1074004031, 1074266176, 4160749515, 1073741848, 1091108864, 3841982472, 2699034636, 2162163720, 2178940940, 196609, 4160749507, 2162163724, 1342767096, 3892314102, 2162163732, 4160749502, 1073741856, 2699034636, 1073742079, 4160749498, 1342242768, 2147483648, 2699034640, 2162163724, 1074331649, 2699034636, 2162163728, 1074331776, 3841982466, 2162163724, 3925868531, 2413821952, 1323827224, 3338665999, 1323892748, 2950692864, 1073741833, 4160749457, 1073741824, 1090519040, 4160749493, 1073741832, 1090519466, 4160749490, 1342242815, 4160749472, 1342242815, 4160749470, 1342242815, 4160749468, 1073741879, 1090519040, 4160749481, 1073741865, 1090519041, 1091633182, 4160749477, 1342242768, 2147483648, 2699034628, 1342242815, 4160749456, 1342242815, 4160749454, 1342242815, 4160749452, 1073741827, 4160749427, 2162163716, 3925868524, 1073741840, 1090519552, 4160749461, 1073741825, 4160749420, 2413821952, 1323827212, 3338665999, 1323892748, 2950692864, 2699034628, 1073741882, 1090519040, 4160749450, 1342242768, 2147483648, 2699034632, 1342242815, 4160749429, 2162163720, 3909091332, 1342242768, 2147483648, 1073938439, 3758096389, 2162163716, 2147483648, 1073807369, 2178940932, 2685403136, 1342242815, 4160749416, 1342242815, 4160749414, 1073741825, 4160749389, 2413821952, 1323827212, 3338665999, 1323892756, 2950692864, 2699034628, 2715811848, 1088946180, 4160749531, 1073741841, 2178940932, 4160749416, 1073741824, 2699034636, 1342242815, 4160749396, 1342242768, 2147483648, 2699034640, 2162163724, 1074266113, 2699034636, 2162163728, 1074331902, 3925868533, 1342242772, 1090519045, 2701131776, 1073741824, 1091109372, 3992977428, 2699034636, 1342242768, 1359020031, 2701131776, 1342242772, 2147483648, 1073938433, 3909091324, 1342242768, 2147483648, 2699034640, 2162163720, 2178940944, 2701131776, 2162163720, 1074266116, 2699034632, 2162163724, 1074266116, 3892314090, 1073742079, 4160749359, 1073742079, 4160749357, 1073741825, 4160749332, 2413821952, 1323827220, 3338665999, 1323892756, 2950692864, 1610612744, 1074135044, 2699034628, 2162163716, 1090519040, 4160749503, 1073741840, 2147483648, 2699034640, 2162163716, 1074266113, 2699034628, 1073742336, 2699034632, 2162163720, 2178940944, 589825, 3976200202, 2162163716, 2178940936, 4160749488, 2162163716, 1074266113, 2699034628, 2162163720, 1074266624, 2699034632, 3892314098, 2413821952, 1323827220, 3338665999, 1291845632, 1577123776, 1845493768, 1275068448, 15, 1074331648, 3909091346, 1073741952, 1359019972, 2685403136, 4160749392, 1342242756, 2147483648, 1073938433, 3892314117, 1073741953, 1359019972, 2685403136, 4160749249, 3875536900, 1073741954, 1359019972, 2685403136, 4160749511, 3875536904, 1342242756, 2147483648, 1073938433, 3892314116, 1073741953, 1359019972, 2685403136, 4160749235, 1073741836, 1627389966, 1091993328, 2701131776, 1073741848, 1627389960, 2701131776, 1073741956, 1359019972, 2685403136, 1073741824, 3338665984)

Machine code of the bootloader ROM.