Source code for oberon.risc

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
#    Copyright © 2019 Simon Forman
#    This file is part of PythonOberon
#    PythonOberon is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
#    it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
#    the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
#    (at your option) any later version.
#    PythonOberon is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
#    but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
#    GNU General Public License for more details.
#    You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
#    along with PythonOberon.  If not see <>.

Emulated Hardware

RAM map::

      Addr (bytes)
    ║ 0x00000000   Start of RAM ║
    ║      .     │              ║
    ║ 0x000E7F00   DISPLAY_START║
    ║      .     + 0x18000 bytes║
    ║      .     or 0x6000 words║
    ║      .    or 1024x768x1px ║
    ║ 0x000FFF00  end of display║
    ║      .     │              ║
    ║ 0x00180000   MemSize      ║
    ╟──────────  ┼  ────────────╢
    ║            │              ║
    ║          Empty            ║
    ╟──────────  ┼  ────────────╢
    ║ 0xFFFFF800   ROMStart     ║
    ║      .     │              ║
    ║      .       IO_RANGE     ║
    ║ 0xFFFFFFC0 | clock        ║
    ║ 0xffffffc4 | switches/LEDs║
    ║ 0xffffffc8 | serial data  ║
    ║ 0xffffffcc | serial status║
    ║ 0xffffffd0 | SPI data     ║
    ║ 0xffffffd4 | SPI control  ║
    ║ 0xffffffd8 | mouse        ║
    ║      .     │              ║


import pdb, sys
from array import array
from time import time
from struct import unpack
from pprint import pformat
from .disassembler import dis
from .util import (

ROMStart = 0xFFFFF800 // 4
MemSize = 0x00180000
MemWords = MemSize // 4

[docs]def log(message, *args): pass
## print message % args ## print >> stderr, message % args
[docs]class Trap(Exception): pass
[docs]class RISC(object): ''' The RISC processsor. This class is designed for ease of introspection rather than efficiency. ''' def __init__(self, rom, ram, PC=ROMStart): self.rom = rom self.ram = ram self.PC = self.pcnext = PC self.R = [0] * 16 self.H = 0 self.N = self.Z = self.C = self.OV = False self.io_ports = {} self.switches = 0
[docs] def cycle(self): '''Run one cycle of the processor.''' self.PC = self.pcnext self.decode(self.fetch()) if not self.p: self.register_instruction() elif self.q: self.branch_instruction() else: self.ram_instruction()
[docs] def fetch(self): ''' Load an instruction from RAM or ROM and return it. Raise :py:exc:`Trap` if ``PC`` goes out of bounds or if the machine enters a certain kind of infinite loop (this is a way for code running on the emulated chip to signal *HALT*.) ''' if self.PC < MemWords: instruction = self.ram[self.PC << 2] elif ROMStart <= self.PC < (ROMStart + len(self.rom)): instruction = self.rom[self.PC - ROMStart] else: raise Trap('Fetch from bad address 0x%08x' % (self.PC,)) if ( instruction == 0xE7FFFFFF ): # REPEAT UNTIL False i.e. halt loop. raise Trap('REPEAT-UNTIL-False-ing') return instruction
[docs] def decode(self, instruction): ''' Decode the instruction and set various field and flag member values of the emulator object. ''' self.IR = IR = bint(instruction) self.p = IR[31] self.q = IR[30] self.u = IR[29] self.v = IR[28] self.w = IR[16] self.op = IR[20, 16] self.ira = IR[28, 24] self.irb = IR[24, 20] self.irc = IR[4, 0] = IR[27, 24] self.imm = IR[16, 0] = IR[20, 0] = IR[24, 0] self.C0 = self.R[self.irc] self.MOV = (not self.p) and (self.op == 0) self.LSL = (not self.p) and (self.op == 1) self.ASR = (not self.p) and (self.op == 2) self.ROR = (not self.p) and (self.op == 3) self.AND = (not self.p) and (self.op == 4) self.ANN = (not self.p) and (self.op == 5) self.IOR = (not self.p) and (self.op == 6) self.XOR = (not self.p) and (self.op == 7) self.ADD = (not self.p) and (self.op == 8) self.SUB = (not self.p) and (self.op == 9) self.MUL = (not self.p) and (self.op == 10) self.DIV = (not self.p) and (self.op == 11) self.LDR = self.p and (not self.q) and (not self.u) self.STR = self.p and (not self.q) and self.u self.BR = self.p and self.q
[docs] def register_instruction(self): ''' Increment ``PC`` and set a register from the ALU. ''' self.pcnext = self.PC + 1 self.set_register(self.Arithmetic_Logical_Unit())
[docs] def Arithmetic_Logical_Unit(self): ''' Enact the ALU of the RISC chip. ''' B = self.R[self.irb] # Here's how negative immediate values are stored in the instruction and # regenerated in the cpu. In the ORGX module the instruction is created # like so: # # PROCEDURE Put1(op, a, b, im: LONGINT); # BEGIN (*emit format-1 instruction, -10000H <= im < 10000H*) # IF im < 0 THEN INC(op, 1000H) END ; (*set v-bit*) # code[pc] := (((a+40H) * 10H + b) * 10H + op) * 10000H + (im MOD 10000H); INC(pc) # END Put1; # # If the immediate value is negative the V bit in the instruction is set. # In any event the immediate value has its high sixteen bits masked off # (modulus 0x10000 effects this.) For example, -23 looks like this, # bit-wise: # # 11111111111111111111111111101001 # # And after truncating the high bits: # # 1111111111101001 # # This is the bit pattern that gets stored in the instruction immediate # field. # # The statement immediately below reconstructs the negative 32-bit value # if the V bit is set in the instruction, otherwise it simply passes # through the given immediate value. (This happens, of course, only if # the Q bit is set, otherwise C1 is just set to C0.) C1 = self.C1 = ( ( (0b11111111111111110000000000000000 | self.imm) if self.v else self.imm ) if self.q else self.C0 ) if self.MOV: # (q ? (~u ? {{16{v}}, imm} : {imm, 16'b0}) : if self.q: res = C1 if not self.u else (self.imm << 16) else: # (~u ? C0 : ... )) : if not self.u: res = self.C0 else: # ... (~irc[0] ? H : {N, Z, C, OV, 20'b0, 8'b01010000}) if not self.irc[0]: res = self.H else: res = ( self.N << 31 | self.Z << 30 | self.C << 29 | self.OV << 28 | 80 ) # Bit-wise logical operations elif self.LSL: res = B << (C1 & 31) elif self.ASR: C1 &= 31 res = B >> C1 if bint(B)[31]: res |= (2**C1 - 1) << (32 - C1) # Extend sign bit. elif self.ROR: C1 &= 31 lost_bits = bint(B)[C1:0] res = (B >> C1) | (lost_bits << (32 - C1)) elif self.AND: res = B & C1 elif self.ANN: res = B & (0xFFFFFFFF ^ C1) elif self.IOR: res = B | C1 elif self.XOR: res = B ^ C1 # For the arithmetical operators we must convert to Python ints to # correctly handle negative numbers. elif self.ADD: B = signed_int_to_python_int(B) C1 = signed_int_to_python_int(C1) res = B + C1 + (self.u and self.C) self.C = res < B res = self._check_overflow(res) elif self.SUB: B = signed_int_to_python_int(B) C1 = signed_int_to_python_int(C1) res = B - C1 - (self.u and self.C) res = self._check_overflow(res) self.C = res > B elif self.MUL: B = signed_int_to_python_int(B) C1 = signed_int_to_python_int(C1) product = B * C1 self.product = blong(python_int_to_signed_int(product, 64)) res = self.product[32:0] elif self.DIV: B = signed_int_to_python_int(B) C1 = signed_int_to_python_int(C1) res, remainder = divmod(B, C1) res = python_int_to_signed_int(res) self.remainder = python_int_to_signed_int(remainder) else: raise Trap('We should never get here!') return res
def _check_overflow(self, res, bits=33): try: return python_int_to_signed_int(res) except ValueError: self.OV = True return blong(python_int_to_signed_int(res, bits))[32:0] self.OV = False
[docs] def set_register(self, value): ''' Set ``A`` register and ``N``, ``Z``, and ``H``. ''' value = value if isinstance(value, bint) else bint(value) self.R[self.ira] = value[32:0] self.N = value[31] self.Z = value == 0 self.H = ( self.product[64:32] if self.MUL else self.remainder if self.DIV else self.H )
[docs] def branch_instruction(self): ''' Branch instruction. ''' S = self.N ^ self.OV T = ( ( == 0) & self.N | ( == 1) & self.Z | ( == 2) & self.C | ( == 3) & self.OV | ( == 4) & (self.C | self.Z) | ( == 5) & S | ( == 6) & (S | self.Z) | ( == 7) ) if self.IR[27]: T = not T if not T: self.pcnext = self.PC + 1 return if self.v: # Save link self.R[15] = (self.PC + 1) << 2 if self.u: offset = signed_int_to_python_int(, width=24) self.pcnext = int(offset + self.PC + 1) else: self.pcnext = self.C0 >> 2
[docs] def ram_instruction(self): ''' RAM read/write instruction. ''' self.addr = addr = int( self.R[self.irb] + self._sign_extend_offset() ) if addr >= IO_RANGE: - IO_RANGE) elif self.LDR: value = self.ram.get_byte(addr) if self.v else self.ram[addr] self.set_register(value) elif self.v: self.ram.put_byte(addr, self.R[self.ira] & 255) else: self.ram[addr] = self.R[self.ira] self.pcnext = self.PC + 1
def _sign_extend_offset(self): off = bint( & 0xFFFFF) if off[19]: off = signed_int_to_python_int(off | 0xFFF00000) return off
[docs] def io(self, port): ''' I/O instruction. ''' device = self.io_ports.get(port) if not device: raise Trap('no device at port 0x%x (aka %i)' % (port, port)) if self.LDR: self.set_register( else: device.write(self.R[self.ira])
[docs] def dump_mem(self, to_file=None, number=10, syms=None): if to_file is None: to_file = sys.stdout if self.PC < MemWords: self.dump_ram(to_file=to_file, number=number, syms=syms) else: self.dump_rom(to_file=to_file, number=number)
[docs] def dump_ram( self, to_file=None, location=None, number=10, syms=None ): ''' Debug function, print a disassembly of a span of RAM. ''' if to_file is None: to_file = sys.stdout label_len = 16 if location is None: location = self.PC if syms is None: syms = {} lower = max((0, location - number)) for i in range(lower, location + number): label = '%16s' % syms.get(i, ' ' * label_len)[:label_len] h = '>' if i == location else ' ' i <<= 2 instr = self.ram[i] print(f'{h} {label} {i:05x} 0x{instr:08x} {dis(instr)}', file=to_file)
#print(h, label, hex(i), hex(self.ram[i]), dis(self.ram[i]), file=to_file)
[docs] def dump_rom(self, to_file, location=None, number=10): ''' Debug function, print a disassembly of a span of ROM. ''' if location is None: location = self.PC - ROMStart lower = max((0, location - number)) upper = min((len(self.rom), location + number + 1)) for i in range(lower, upper): h = '>' if i == location else ' ' print( '%s rom[0x%x] %s' % (h, i, dis(self.rom[i])), file=to_file, )
[docs] def view(self): ''' Debug function, print current instruction. ''' if self.PC >= MemSize: return kw = self.__dict__.copy() kw['A'] = self.R[self.ira] # print '- ' * 40 print('PC: 0x%(PC)04x ---' % kw, dis(int(self.IR))) if self.STR: print( ' Storing', '[0x%(addr)04x] <- R%(ira)i = 0x%(A)08x' % kw, ) elif self.LDR: print( ' Loading', 'R%(ira)i <- [0x%(addr)04x]' % kw )
# Print the registers. # for i in range(0, 16, 2): # reg0, reg1 = self.R[i], self.R[i + 1] # print 'R%-2i = 0x%-8x' % (i + 1, reg1), # print 'R%-2i = 0x%-8x' % (i, reg0) # print
[docs] def brief_view(self): ''' Debug function, print crude state of chip. ''' return ( '0x%08x : 0x%08x' ' %i %i %i %i %i %i %i %i' ' %i %i %i %i %i %i %i' ' 0x%x' ) % ( (self.PC, self.IR) + tuple(map(signed_int_to_python_int, self.R[:-1])) + (self.R[-1],) )
[docs]class ByteAddressed32BitRAM(object): ''' Represent a 32-bit wide RAM chip that is byte-addressed. E.g. addresses 0-3 are the first four bytes, or one (32-bit) word. ''' BYTE_MASKS = ( 0b11111111111111111111111100000000, 0b11111111111111110000000011111111, 0b11111111000000001111111111111111, 0b00000000111111111111111111111111, ) def __init__(self): # Use a dict rather than some array. Might be woth exploring other # datastructures... = array('I', MemWords * b'\0\0\0\0') assert == 4
[docs] def get(self, addr): ''' Return a (32-bit) word. Address must be word-aligned. ''' word_addr, byte_offset = divmod(addr, 4) assert not byte_offset, repr(addr) return[word_addr]
__getitem__ = get
[docs] def put(self, addr, word): ''' Set a (32-bit) word. Address must be word-aligned. ''' word_addr, byte_offset = divmod(addr, 4) assert not byte_offset, repr(addr)[word_addr] = word
__setitem__ = put
[docs] def get_byte(self, addr): ''' Return a byte. Address need not be word-aligned. ''' word_addr, byte_offset = divmod(addr, 4) word =[word_addr] return (word >> (8 * byte_offset)) & 0xFF
[docs] def put_byte(self, addr, byte): ''' Set a byte. Address need not be word-aligned. ''' # if isinstance(byte, str): # byte = ord(byte[:1]) if not (0 <= byte < 0x100): raise ValueError("byte out of range: %i" % (byte,)) word_addr, byte_offset = divmod(addr, 4) n = 8 * byte_offset # How many bits to shift. byte <<= n word =[word_addr] if word: # merge word and shifted byte # AND mask with the memory word to clear the bits for the # pre-shifted byte and OR the result with it. byte |= word & self.BYTE_MASKS[byte_offset] self.put(word_addr << 2, byte)
def __len__(self): return (4 * (1 + max( if else 0 def __repr__(self): return pformat(
[docs]class Disk(object): ''' Disk (I cribbed most of this from `pdewacht/oberon-risc-emu <>`_ . I'm not exactly sure how it works but it does work, well enough to load the Oberon OS from the disk image.) ''' SECTOR_SIZE = 512 SECTOR_SIZE_WORDS = SECTOR_SIZE // 4 STRUCT_FORMAT = '<%iI' % SECTOR_SIZE_WORDS diskCommand, diskRead, diskWrite, diskWriting = list(range(4)) def __init__(self, image_file): self.state = self.diskCommand self.rx_buf = [None] * self.SECTOR_SIZE_WORDS self.rx_idx = 0 self.tx_buf = [None] * (self.SECTOR_SIZE_WORDS + 2) self.tx_cnt = 0 self.tx_idx = 0 self.file = image_file self.read_sector() self.offset = 0x80002 if self.tx_buf[0] == 0x9B1EA38D else 0
[docs] def read(self): if self.tx_idx >= 0 and self.tx_idx < self.tx_cnt: log('disk_read from buffer 0x%x', self.tx_buf[self.tx_idx]) return self.tx_buf[self.tx_idx] log('disk_read from default 0xFF') return 255
[docs] def write(self, word): log('disk_write 0x%x', word) self.tx_idx += 1 if self.state == self.diskCommand: if (0xFF & word) == 0xFF and self.rx_idx == 0: log('disk_write PASS 0x%x', word) return log( 'disk_write diskCommand 0x%x to rx_buf[%i]', word, self.rx_idx, ) self.rx_buf[self.rx_idx] = word self.rx_idx += 1 if self.rx_idx == 6: ## pdb.set_trace() self.run_command() self.rx_idx = 0 elif self.state == self.diskRead: if self.tx_idx == self.tx_cnt: self.state = self.diskCommand log('disk_write diskRead -> diskCommand') self.tx_cnt = 0 self.tx_idx = 0 elif self.state == self.diskWrite: if word == 254: self.state = self.diskWriting log('disk_write diskWrite -> diskWriting') elif self.state == self.diskWriting: if self.rx_idx < 128: self.rx_buf[self.rx_idx] = word self.rx_idx += 1 if self.rx_idx == 128: self.write_sector() if self.rx_idx == 130: self.tx_buf[0] = 5 self.tx_cnt = 1 self.tx_idx = -1 self.rx_idx = 0 self.state = self.diskCommand log('disk_write diskWriting -> diskCommand')
[docs] def run_command(self): cmd, a, b, c, d = self.rx_buf[0:5] a, b, c, d = (n & 0xFF for n in (a, b, c, d)) arg = (a << 24) | (b << 16) | (c << 8) | d log('run_command ' + ' '.join(map(hex, (cmd, arg)))) if cmd == 81: self.state = self.diskRead self.tx_buf[0] = 0 self.tx_buf[1] = 254 self._seek(arg) ## pdb.set_trace() self.read_sector(2) self.tx_cnt = 2 + 128 elif cmd == 88: self.state = self.diskWrite self._seek(arg) self.tx_buf[0] = 0 self.tx_cnt = 1 else: self.tx_buf[0] = 0 self.tx_cnt = 1 self.tx_idx = -1
def _seek(self, arg): log('#' * 100) a = (arg - self.offset) * self.SECTOR_SIZE log('seeking to %i (0x%x)', arg, a)
[docs] def read_sector(self, into=0): data = self.tx_buf[into:] = unpack(self.STRUCT_FORMAT, data)
[docs] def write_sector(self): log('write sector %r', self.rx_buf)
# data = pack(self.STRUCT_FORMAT, self.rx_buf) # self.file.write(data)
[docs]class Mouse(object): '''Mouse''' def __init__(self): self.value = 0
[docs] def read(self): return self.value
[docs] def write(self, word): raise NotImplementedError
[docs] def set_coords(self, x, y): self.value = self.value & 0xFF000000 | x | (y << 12)
[docs] def button_up(self, n): assert 1 <= n <= 3, repr(n) self.value = self.value & (0xFFFFFFFF ^ (1 << (27 - n)))
[docs] def button_down(self, n): assert 1 <= n <= 3, repr(n) self.value = self.value | (1 << (27 - n))
[docs]class Clock(object): '''clock''' def __init__(self, now=None): self.reset(now)
[docs] def read(self): return self.time() - self.start_time
[docs] def write(self, word): # RESERVED raise NotImplementedError
[docs] def reset(self, now=None): self.start_time = now or self.time()
[docs] def time(self): '''Return int time in ms.''' return int(round(1000 * time()))
[docs]class LEDs(object): '''LEDs''' def __init__(self): self.switches = 0
[docs] def read(self): return self.switches
[docs] def write(self, word): print('LEDs', bin(word)[2:])
[docs]class FakeSPI(object): '''SPI''' def __init__(self): self.things = {} self.current_thing = None = DataControl(self)
[docs] def register(self, index, thing): self.things[index] = thing
[docs] def read(self): log('FakeSPI Control Read: 0x1') return 1
[docs] def write(self, word): log('FakeSPI Control Write: 0x%x', word) word %= 4 try: self.current_thing = self.things[word] log('Setting SPI device to %s', self.current_thing) except KeyError: log('No SPI device %i', word) self.current_thing = None
[docs]class Keyboard: ''' pdewacht/oberon-risc-emu/blob/master/src/sdl-ps2.c ''' def __init__(self, initial_keys=()): self.buffer = list(initial_keys)
[docs] def read(self): return self.buffer.pop(0) if self.buffer else 0
[docs]class DataControl(object): def __init__(self, spi): self.spi = spi
[docs] def read(self): if self.spi.current_thing: data = else: data = 0xFF log('FakeSPI Data Read: 0x%x', data) return data
[docs] def write(self, word): log('FakeSPI Data Write: 0x%x', word) if self.spi.current_thing: self.spi.current_thing.write(word)
[docs]class SerialStatus(object): def __init__(self, ser): self.ser = ser
[docs] def read(self): return 1
[docs] def write(self, word): 2 / 0
[docs]class Serial(object): def __init__(self, input_file): self.input_file = input_file self.status = SerialStatus(self)
[docs] def read(self): next_byte = if not next_byte: raise RuntimeError('Out of serial input.') # print(f'serial port read: {(next_byte)}') return ord(next_byte)
[docs] def write(self, word): if word & 0xFFFFFF00: # There are bits in the high bytes! print(f'\nwoot! 0x{word:08x}') else: print(chr(word & 0xFF), end='') sys.stdout.flush() # damnit