Source code for oberon.assembler

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
#    Copyright © 2019, 2022 Simon Forman
#    This file is part of PythonOberon
#    PythonOberon is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
#    it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
#    the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
#    (at your option) any later version.
#    PythonOberon is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
#    but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
#    GNU General Public License for more details.
#    You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
#    along with PythonOberon.  If not see <>.
# N.B. this is a file which is not improved by the black format tool.


Miki Tebeka’s Clever Idea

from array import array
from collections import defaultdict
from inspect import stack
from struct import pack
from pickle import dump

from oberon.util import bint, s_to_u_32

# Yes, friends, it's a global variable.
# I need to pass the file name down to the _debug_line() function for
# debuggin but that would involve passing it all the way down from
# assemble_file(), which would be a PITA.  So a harmless little global
# var is called for.
_filename = ''

[docs]def assemble_file(in_file, out_file, sym_file=None, print_program=False, additional_data=None, epilog=None, # Bytes to follow image # in serial stream. Not part of the program. ): ''' Accept up to three file objects. The first is a source file, the second is the binary output file, and the optional third is a file to which to write symbols and other information (currently the other information is just a set of addresses that contain data, rather than machine code.) The symbol file is a pickle of a symbol table dictionary that maps label names to addresses, and the set of data addresses. The resulting binary file is suitable for loading over the serial port, you can pass it to the ``--serial-in`` command line option. This is the Oberon bootloader function that will load the binary over the serial line:: PROCEDURE LoadFromLine; VAR len, adr, dat: INTEGER; BEGIN RecInt(len); WHILE len > 0 DO RecInt(adr); REPEAT RecInt(dat); SYSTEM.PUT(adr, dat); adr := adr + 4; len := len - 4 UNTIL len = 0; RecInt(len) END END LoadFromLine; It reads a (4-byte) int length and drops into a while loop the loop reads a (4-byte) int address at which to store the following data. Then a second loop (repeat) is started to read the data. It reads a 4-byte word, stores it to the RAM, then increments the address and decrements the length (each by four. So the length is counting bytes, not words! N.B.) Once the repeat loop is done patching RAM it reads one more (4-byte) int length and the while loop restarts if the length is non-zero, otherwise we're done and the machine boots from there. ''' global _filename _filename = text = code = compile(text,, 'exec') assembler = Assembler() program = assembler(code) program_list = [ program.get(n, 0) # Fill holes with zero. for n in range(0, max(program) + 4, 4) ] program_list.insert(0, len(program_list) * 4) program_list.insert(1, 0) # address 0x00000000 if additional_data: _append_data(additional_data, program_list) program_list.append(0) # stop loading for item in program_list: if not isinstance(item, int): # print(repr(item)) raise ValueError( f'non-int in program machine code {repr(item)}' ) # TODO: improve this, make a nice error message or something. data = pack(f'<{len(program_list)}I', *program_list) out_file.write(data) if epilog: assert isinstance(epilog, bytes) while len(epilog) % 4: epilog += b'\x00' out_file.write(epilog) if sym_file: dump( (assembler.symbol_table, assembler.data_addrs), sym_file, ) if print_program: assembler.print_program()
def _append_data(additional_data, program_list): data = array('I') data.frombytes( data.insert(0, (len(data) - 1) * 4) # Subtract one to account for the destination address. program_list.extend(data)
[docs]class DebugDict(dict): def __init__(self): dict.__init__(self) self.debug_info = defaultdict(list) def __setitem__(self, addr, value): dict.__setitem__(self, addr, value) self.debug_info[addr].extend(self._debug_line())
[docs] def get_line_for(self, addr): try: frames = self.debug_info[addr] except KeyError: return '' lineno, line, function = frames[0] function = f' -- (in {function})' if function != '<module>' else '' return f'line: {lineno:-3} {line}{function}'
[docs] def print_debug(self, out=None): if out is None: import sys out = sys.stderr for addr, (frame, *_frames) in sorted(self.debug_info.items()): lineno, line, function = frame function = f' (in {function})' if function != '<module>' else '' print(f'0x{addr:08x} line: {lineno} {line}{function}')
## for lineno, line, function in frames: ## print(f' line: {lineno} {line} {function}') @staticmethod def _debug_line(): global _filename return [( frame.lineno, frame.code_context[frame.index].rstrip(), frame.function ) for frame in stack() if frame.filename == _filename ]
## #print(frame) ## print( ## f'{frame.lineno:3}' ## f' {frame.code_context[frame.index].rstrip()[:60]:60}' ## f' {frame.function}' ## ) # pylint: disable=too-many-public-methods
[docs]class ASM: ''' Collect the individual bit-pattern generator functions. ''' # pylint: disable=invalid-name # pylint: disable=missing-function-docstring # pylint: disable=multiple-statements
[docs] @staticmethod def Mov(a, c, v=0, u=0): return make_F0(u, 0, a, 0, c, v)
[docs] @staticmethod def Mov_imm(a, K, v=0, u=0): return make_F1(u, v, 0, a, 0, K)
# Arithmetic/Logic instructions
[docs] @staticmethod def Lsl(a, b, c, u=0): return make_F0(u, 1, a, b, c)
[docs] @staticmethod def Asr(a, b, c, u=0): return make_F0(u, 2, a, b, c)
[docs] @staticmethod def Ror(a, b, c, u=0): return make_F0(u, 3, a, b, c)
[docs] @staticmethod def And(a, b, c, u=0): return make_F0(u, 4, a, b, c)
[docs] @staticmethod def Ann(a, b, c, u=0): return make_F0(u, 5, a, b, c)
[docs] @staticmethod def Ior(a, b, c, u=0): return make_F0(u, 6, a, b, c)
[docs] @staticmethod def Xor(a, b, c, u=0): return make_F0(u, 7, a, b, c)
[docs] @staticmethod def Add(a, b, c, u=0): return make_F0(u, 8, a, b, c)
[docs] @staticmethod def Sub(a, b, c, u=0): return make_F0(u, 9, a, b, c)
[docs] @staticmethod def Mul(a, b, c, u=0): return make_F0(u, 10, a, b, c)
[docs] @staticmethod def Div(a, b, c, u=0): return make_F0(u, 11, a, b, c)
[docs] @staticmethod def Lsl_imm(a, b, K, v=0, u=0): return make_F1(u, v, 1, a, b, K)
[docs] @staticmethod def Asr_imm(a, b, K, v=0, u=0): return make_F1(u, v, 2, a, b, K)
[docs] @staticmethod def Ror_imm(a, b, K, v=0, u=0): return make_F1(u, v, 3, a, b, K)
[docs] @staticmethod def And_imm(a, b, K, v=0, u=0): return make_F1(u, v, 4, a, b, K)
[docs] @staticmethod def Ann_imm(a, b, K, v=0, u=0): return make_F1(u, v, 5, a, b, K)
[docs] @staticmethod def Ior_imm(a, b, K, v=0, u=0): return make_F1(u, v, 6, a, b, K)
[docs] @staticmethod def Xor_imm(a, b, K, v=0, u=0): return make_F1(u, v, 7, a, b, K)
[docs] @staticmethod def Add_imm(a, b, K, v=0, u=0): return make_F1(u, v, 8, a, b, K)
[docs] @staticmethod def Sub_imm(a, b, K, v=0, u=0): return make_F1(u, v, 9, a, b, K)
[docs] @staticmethod def Mul_imm(a, b, K, v=0, u=0): return make_F1(u, v, 10, a, b, K)
[docs] @staticmethod def Div_imm(a, b, K, v=0, u=0): return make_F1(u, v, 11, a, b, K)
# RAM instructions
[docs] @staticmethod def Load_word(a, b, offset=0): return make_F2(0, 0, a, b, offset)
[docs] @staticmethod def Load_byte(a, b, offset=0): return make_F2(0, 1, a, b, offset)
[docs] @staticmethod def Store_word(a, b, offset=0): return make_F2(1, 0, a, b, offset)
[docs] @staticmethod def Store_byte(a, b, offset=0): return make_F2(1, 1, a, b, offset)
# Branch instructions
[docs] @staticmethod def MI(c): return make_F3(0, c)
[docs] @staticmethod def PL(c): return make_F3(0, c, True)
[docs] @staticmethod def EQ(c): return make_F3(1, c)
[docs] @staticmethod def NE(c): return make_F3(1, c, True)
[docs] @staticmethod def CS(c): return make_F3(2, c)
[docs] @staticmethod def CC(c): return make_F3(2, c, True)
[docs] @staticmethod def VS(c): return make_F3(3, c)
[docs] @staticmethod def VC(c): return make_F3(3, c, True)
[docs] @staticmethod def LS(c): return make_F3(4, c)
[docs] @staticmethod def HI(c): return make_F3(4, c, True)
[docs] @staticmethod def LT(c): return make_F3(5, c)
[docs] @staticmethod def GE(c): return make_F3(5, c, True)
[docs] @staticmethod def LE(c): return make_F3(6, c)
[docs] @staticmethod def GT(c): return make_F3(6, c, True)
[docs] @staticmethod def T(c): return make_F3(7, c)
[docs] @staticmethod def F(c): return make_F3(7, c, True)
[docs] @staticmethod def MI_imm(offset): return make_F3_imm(0, offset)
[docs] @staticmethod def PL_imm(offset): return make_F3_imm(0, offset, True)
[docs] @staticmethod def EQ_imm(offset): return make_F3_imm(1, offset)
[docs] @staticmethod def NE_imm(offset): return make_F3_imm(1, offset, True)
[docs] @staticmethod def CS_imm(offset): return make_F3_imm(2, offset)
[docs] @staticmethod def CC_imm(offset): return make_F3_imm(2, offset, True)
[docs] @staticmethod def VS_imm(offset): return make_F3_imm(3, offset)
[docs] @staticmethod def VC_imm(offset): return make_F3_imm(3, offset, True)
[docs] @staticmethod def LS_imm(offset): return make_F3_imm(4, offset)
[docs] @staticmethod def HI_imm(offset): return make_F3_imm(4, offset, True)
[docs] @staticmethod def LT_imm(offset): return make_F3_imm(5, offset)
[docs] @staticmethod def GE_imm(offset): return make_F3_imm(5, offset, True)
[docs] @staticmethod def LE_imm(offset): return make_F3_imm(6, offset)
[docs] @staticmethod def GT_imm(offset): return make_F3_imm(6, offset, True)
[docs] @staticmethod def T_imm(offset): return make_F3_imm(7, offset)
[docs] @staticmethod def F_imm(offset): return make_F3_imm(7, offset, True)
ops = dict( Mov = 0, Lsl = 1, Asr = 2, Ror = 3, And = 4, Ann = 5, Ior = 6, Xor = 7, Add = 8, Sub = 9, Mul = 10, Div = 11, Fad = 12, Fsb = 13, Fml = 14, Fdv = 15, ) 'Operation names mapped to their values in instructions.' ops_rev = dict((v, k) for k, v in ops.items()) ## ((cc == 0) & N | // MI, PL ## (cc == 1) & Z | // EQ, NE ## (cc == 2) & C | // CS, CC ## (cc == 3) & OV | // VS, VC ## (cc == 4) & (C|Z) | // LS, HI ## (cc == 5) & S | // LT, GE ## (cc == 6) & (S|Z) | // LE, GT ## (cc == 7)); // T, F cmps = { (0, 0): 'MI', (0, 1): 'PL', (1, 0): 'EQ', (1, 1): 'NE', (2, 0): 'CS', (2, 1): 'CC', (3, 0): 'VS', (3, 1): 'VC', (4, 0): 'LS', (4, 1): 'HI', (5, 0): 'LT', (5, 1): 'GE', (6, 0): 'LE', (6, 1): 'GT', (7, 0): 'T', (7, 1): 'F', } # pylint: disable=invalid-name, missing-function-docstring
[docs]def make_F0(u, op, a, b, c, v=0): assert bool(u) == u, repr(u) assert bool(v) == v, repr(v) assert ops['Mov'] <= op <= ops['Div'], repr(op) assert 0 <= a < 0x10, repr(a) assert 0 <= b < 0x10, repr(b) assert 0 <= c < 0x10, repr(c) return bint( (u << 29) + (v << 28) + (a << 24) + (b << 20) + (op << 16) + c )
# pylint: disable=too-many-arguments
[docs]def make_F1(u, v, op, a, b, K): assert bool(u) == u, repr(u) assert bool(v) == v, repr(v) assert ops['Mov'] <= op <= ops['Div'], repr(op) assert 0 <= a < 0x10, repr(a) assert 0 <= b < 0x10, repr(b) assert 0 <= K < 2**16, repr(K) return bint( (1 << 30) + # set q (u << 29) + (v << 28) + (a << 24) + (b << 20) + (op << 16) + K )
[docs]def make_F2(u, v, a, b, offset): assert bool(u) == u, repr(u) assert bool(v) == v, repr(v) assert 0 <= a < 0x10, repr(a) assert 0 <= b < 0x10, repr(b) assert 0 <= offset < 2**20, repr(offset) return bint( (1 << 31) + (u << 29) + (v << 28) + (a << 24) + (b << 20) + offset )
[docs]def make_F3(cond, c, invert=False, v=False): # v = True -> PC to be stored in register R15 assert 0 <= cond < 0x111, repr(cond) assert 0 <= c < 0x10, repr(c) assert bool(invert) == invert, repr(invert) assert bool(v) == v, repr(v) return bint( (0b11 << 30) + # set p, q (v << 28) + (invert << 27) + (cond << 24) + c )
[docs]def make_F3_imm(cond, offset, invert=False, v=False): # v = True -> PC to be stored in register R15 assert 0 <= cond < 0x111, repr(cond) assert 0 <= offset < 2**24, repr(offset) assert bool(invert) == invert, repr(invert) assert bool(v) == v, repr(v) return bint( (0b111 << 29) + # set p, q, u (v << 28) + (invert << 27) + (cond << 24) + offset )
[docs]def opof(op): return ops_rev[int(op)]
[docs]class LabelThunk: ''' Stand for an address that will be determined later. ''' # pylint: disable=too-few-public-methods def __init__(self, name): = name def __repr__(self): return f'<LabelThunk {}>'
[docs]class Context(dict): ''' Execution namespace for asm code. When identifiers are referenced and are not being assigned to the namespace Context __getitem__ method will be called with the name. The Context searches itself (and __builtins__) for the name and returns the value if found, otherwise it creates a new named :py:class:`LabelThunk` with that name, enters it in the :py:attr:`symbol_table`, and returns it. Later, when the named thunk is assigned a value, that value replaces the thunk in the :py:attr:`symbol_table`. This class will raise a RuntimeError if you attempt to assign a value to a label more than once. ''' def __init__(self, symbol_table): dict.__init__(self) self.symbol_table = symbol_table def __setitem__(self, name, value): if name in self.symbol_table: it = self.symbol_table[name] if isinstance(it, LabelThunk): self.symbol_table[name] = value else: raise RuntimeError(f"Can't reassign labels: {name}") dict.__setitem__(self, name, value) def __getitem__(self, name): try: item = dict.__getitem__(self, name) except KeyError: try: # For some reason the auto-search for builtins # doesn't work. I don't want to figure it out # now, so just look 'em up manually. ( TODO ) item = __builtins__[name] # somehow it's a dict not a module here. ?? except KeyError: # print('# New unassigned label:', name) item = self[name] = self.symbol_table[name] = LabelThunk(name) return item
[docs]def thunkify_arithmetic_logic(method): ''' Wrap a method that uses :py:class:`ASM` to make bits. If it's called with a :py:class:`LabelThunk` it sets up a fixup function that resolves the actual instuction when the label is assigned to a concrete address. ''' bits_maker = getattr(ASM, method.__name__) def wrapper(self, a, b, K, v=0, u=0): if isinstance(K, LabelThunk): # For thunks build a function to do fix up. def fixup(value): wrapper(self, a, b, value, v, u) instruction = (fixup,) self.fixups[K].append( else: # Otherwise just make the bits now. instruction = bits_maker(a, b, K, v=v, u=u) self.program[] = instruction += 4 return wrapper
[docs]def thunkify_branch(method): ''' Wrap a branch method. If it's called with a :py:class:`LabelThunk` it sets up a fixup function that resolves the actual instuction when the label is assigned to a concrete address. ''' bits_maker = getattr(ASM, method.__name__) def wrapper(self, offset): # Note that the offset here is actually the destination address. # The actual offset value is calculated in this wrapper function. if isinstance(offset, LabelThunk): def fixup(value): wrapper(self, value) instruction = (fixup,) self.fixups[offset].append( else: if offset % 4: raise RuntimeError(f'bad offset {offset:x}') # offset counts bytes, but the instruction counts words, # the cpu will have already incremented PC, # so: subtract "here", divide by four, subtract one. offset = ((offset - >> 2) - 1 if offset < 0: offset = s_to_u_32(offset) & 0xffffff # 2**24 - 1 instruction = bits_maker(offset) self.program[] = instruction += 4 return wrapper
[docs]class Assembler: ''' Assembler ''' def __init__(self): self.program = DebugDict() self.symbol_table = {} self.data_addrs = set() self.fixups = defaultdict(list) = 0 self.context = Context(self.symbol_table) for name in dir(Assembler): if not name.startswith('_'): value = getattr(self, name) if callable(value): self.context[name] = value
[docs] def print_program(self): # pylint: disable=import-outside-toplevel from oberon.disassembler import dis max_label_length = max(map(len, self.symbol_table)) blank_prefix = ' ' * (2 + max_label_length) addrs_to_labels = { addr: label for label, addr in self.symbol_table.items() } for addr in range(0, max(self.program) + 4, 4): try: label = addrs_to_labels[addr] except KeyError: prefix = blank_prefix else: prefix = ' ' * (max_label_length - len(label)) + label + ': ' if addr not in self.program: print(f'{prefix}0x{addr:05x} 0x00000000') continue i = self.program[addr] suffix = self.program.get_line_for(addr) if addr in self.data_addrs: line = f'{prefix}0x{addr:05x} 0x{i:08x}' else: line = f'{prefix}0x{addr:05x} {dis(i)}' n = 72 - len(line) if n > 0: line += ' ' * n print(line, suffix)
def __call__(self, text): # pylint: disable=exec-used exec(text, self.context) del self.context['__builtins__'] # self.program.print_debug() return self.program
[docs] def dw(self, data): ''' Lay in a data word literal value. Adds the current address to the ``data_addrs`` set attribute. ''' if isinstance(data, LabelThunk): self.fixups[data].append( def fixup(value, assert 0 <= value < 2**32, repr(value) self.program[h] = value self.program[] = (fixup,) else: assert 0 <= data < 2**32, repr(data) self.program[] = data self.data_addrs.add( += 4
[docs] def HERE(self): ''' Return the current address. ''' return
[docs] def label(self, thunk, reserves=0): ''' Enter a label in the symbol table, fix up any prior references to this label, and optionally reserve some RAM (``reserves`` counts bytes, not words, and can only reserve whole words to maintain alignment, so this must be a multiple of four.) ''' if not isinstance(thunk, LabelThunk): raise RuntimeError('already assigned') self.context[] = self._fix(thunk, if reserves: assert reserves > 0, repr(reserves) assert 0 == (reserves % 4), repr(reserves) += reserves
def _fix(self, thunk, value): if thunk in self.fixups: # defaultdict! for addr in self.fixups.pop(thunk): fix = self.program[addr][0] # print('# fixing', thunk, 'at', hex(addr), 'to', hex(value), 'using', fix) temp, =, addr try: fix(value) finally: = temp #==------------------------------------------------------------------ # Move instructions
[docs] def Mov(self, a, c, v=0, u=0): self.program[] = ASM.Mov(a, c, u, v) += 4
[docs] def Mov_imm(self, a, K, v=0, u=0): if isinstance(K, LabelThunk): self.fixups[K].append( def fixup(value, self.program[h] = ASM.Mov_imm(a, value, v, u) self.program[] = (fixup,) else: self.program[] = ASM.Mov_imm(a, K, v, u) += 4
#==------------------------------------------------------------------ # RAM instructions
[docs] def Load_byte(self, a, b, offset=0): self.program[] = ASM.Load_byte(a, b, offset) += 4
[docs] def Load_word(self, a, b, offset=0): self.program[] = ASM.Load_word(a, b, offset) += 4
[docs] def Store_byte(self, a, b, offset=0): self.program[] = ASM.Store_byte(a, b, offset) += 4
[docs] def Store_word(self, a, b, offset=0): self.program[] = ASM.Store_word(a, b, offset) += 4
#==------------------------------------------------------------------ # Arithmetic/Logic instructions
[docs] def Add(self, a, b, c, u=0): self.program[] = ASM.Add(a, b, c, u) += 4
[docs] @thunkify_arithmetic_logic def Add_imm(self, a, b, K, v=0, u=0): pass
[docs] def And(self, a, b, c, u=0): self.program[] = ASM.And(a, b, c, u) += 4
[docs] @thunkify_arithmetic_logic def And_imm(self, a, b, K, v=0, u=0): pass
[docs] def Ann(self, a, b, c, u=0): self.program[] = ASM.Ann(a, b, c, u) += 4
[docs] @thunkify_arithmetic_logic def Ann_imm(self, a, b, K, v=0, u=0): pass
[docs] def Asr(self, a, b, c, u=0): self.program[] = ASM.Asr(a, b, c, u) += 4
[docs] @thunkify_arithmetic_logic def Asr_imm(self, a, b, K, v=0, u=0): pass
[docs] def Div(self, a, b, c, u=0): self.program[] = ASM.Div(a, b, c, u) += 4
[docs] @thunkify_arithmetic_logic def Div_imm(self, a, b, K, v=0, u=0): pass
[docs] def Ior(self, a, b, c, u=0): self.program[] = ASM.Ior(a, b, c, u) += 4
[docs] @thunkify_arithmetic_logic def Ior_imm(self, a, b, K, v=0, u=0): pass
[docs] def Lsl(self, a, b, c, u=0): self.program[] = ASM.Lsl(a, b, c, u) += 4
[docs] @thunkify_arithmetic_logic def Lsl_imm(self, a, b, K, v=0, u=0): pass
[docs] def Mul(self, a, b, c, u=0): self.program[] = ASM.Mul(a, b, c, u) += 4
[docs] @thunkify_arithmetic_logic def Mul_imm(self, a, b, K, v=0, u=0): pass
[docs] def Ror(self, a, b, c, u=0): self.program[] = ASM.Ror(a, b, c, u) += 4
[docs] @thunkify_arithmetic_logic def Ror_imm(self, a, b, K, v=0, u=0): pass
[docs] def Sub(self, a, b, c, u=0): self.program[] = ASM.Sub(a, b, c, u) += 4
[docs] @thunkify_arithmetic_logic def Sub_imm(self, a, b, K, v=0, u=0): pass
[docs] def Xor(self, a, b, c, u=0): self.program[] = ASM.Xor(a, b, c, u) += 4
[docs] @thunkify_arithmetic_logic def Xor_imm(self, a, b, K, v=0, u=0): pass
#==------------------------------------------------------------------ # Branch instructions # # Note that the parameter called "offset" here is actually the # destination or target label/address. The thunkify_branch() # decorator will adjust that to the actual offset value based # on the address of the instruction being assembled.
[docs] def CC(self, c): self.program[] = ASM.CC(c) += 4
[docs] @thunkify_branch def CC_imm(self, offset): pass
[docs] def CS(self, c): self.program[] = ASM.CS(c) += 4
[docs] @thunkify_branch def CS_imm(self, offset): pass
[docs] def EQ(self, c): self.program[] = ASM.EQ(c) += 4
[docs] @thunkify_branch def EQ_imm(self, offset): pass
[docs] def F(self, c): self.program[] = ASM.F(c) += 4
[docs] @thunkify_branch def F_imm(self, offset): pass
[docs] def GE(self, c): self.program[] = ASM.GE(c) += 4
[docs] @thunkify_branch def GE_imm(self, offset): pass
[docs] def GT(self, c): self.program[] = ASM.GT(c) += 4
[docs] @thunkify_branch def GT_imm(self, offset): pass
[docs] def HI(self, c): self.program[] = ASM.HI(c) += 4
[docs] @thunkify_branch def HI_imm(self, offset): pass
[docs] def LE(self, c): self.program[] = ASM.LE(c) += 4
[docs] @thunkify_branch def LE_imm(self, offset): pass
[docs] def LS(self, c): self.program[] = ASM.LS(c) += 4
[docs] @thunkify_branch def LS_imm(self, offset): pass
[docs] def LT(self, c): self.program[] = ASM.LT(c) += 4
[docs] @thunkify_branch def LT_imm(self, offset): pass
[docs] def MI(self, c): self.program[] = ASM.MI(c) += 4
[docs] @thunkify_branch def MI_imm(self, offset): pass
[docs] def NE(self, c): self.program[] = ASM.NE(c) += 4
[docs] @thunkify_branch def NE_imm(self, offset): pass
[docs] def PL(self, c): self.program[] = ASM.PL(c) += 4
[docs] @thunkify_branch def PL_imm(self, offset): pass
[docs] def T(self, c): self.program[] = ASM.T(c) += 4
[docs] @thunkify_branch def T_imm(self, offset): pass
[docs] def VC(self, c): self.program[] = ASM.VC(c) += 4
[docs] @thunkify_branch def VC_imm(self, offset): pass
[docs] def VS(self, c): self.program[] = ASM.VS(c) += 4
[docs] @thunkify_branch def VS_imm(self, offset): pass